Management Committee
Our board members steer our charity with their years of experience. Their leadership, guidance and mentorship have shaped Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre into the successful and impactful charity it is today.
On the operations level, we have a small team of dedicated individuals committed to running daily operations smoothly, such as our rehabilitation programmes, nursing and day care, community outreach and social awareness programmes.
With our board and management’s wisdom and foresight, we look forward to many more years of serving the community with holistic eldercare services.

Ustaz Muhammad Azri Azman

Roszanah Abdul Salim

Muhammad Suhaimi Pa'at
Honorary Treasurer

Hassanudin Mohamed

Mohamad Helmy Mohd Isa

Dr Muhammad Rahizan Bin Zainuldin

Hamzah Abas

Yusilawaty Binte Yatiman

Dr Djoni Huang Sian Wei
Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre
Blk 10 Eunos Crescent #01-2711, Singapore 400010
T: 6741 4779 (General)
6744 9552 (Donations)
F: 6741 1680
E: [email protected]
Charities Act UEN: T13CC0002A & IPC 000786
Muhammadiyah Active Ageing Centre
Blk 701B Yishun ave 5 #02-612, Singapore 762701
T: 6259 0968 (General)
6744 9552 (Donations)
E: [email protected]
Supporting Partners